Masonry Restoration and Repair Specialists!!
At Magic Stone, we are one of Western New York’s leading contracting companies who specialize in masonry and home improvement services. Please feel free to browse our services below and be sure to visit our online portfolio…
Call our office today at (716) 895-5878 or (716) 775-5836 for your free estimate. Many clients don’t notice their chimney or masonry repairs until they see brick debris laying in their driveways or lawns. Take a look around your home do you notice any cracks, shifting or lifting of brick, block or stone. It is always more efficient cost wise if you notice your concerns early on. We recommend solutions and go over your projects in detail so that every client has a clear understanding of their options and time frames. We look forward to earning your business.
Prior to Magic Stone Repair!
This crumbling porch was in desperate need of attention upon arrival by Magic Stone. Upon our estimate, we suggested a porch rebuild,
After Magic Stone Repair!
Look at the MAGIC! After rebuilding the entire front porch the homeowners property has been transformed to be aesthetically pleasing.