Masonry can deform elastically over long periods of time to accommodate small amounts of movement, large movements normally cause cracking. Cracks can appear along mortar joints or through the masonry units. Cracking can result from a variety of issues; the settlement of foundations, shrinkage, expansion, and contraction due to weather (freezing/thawing), moisture variations, the corrosion of lintels, movement between building materials, and the bulging or leaning of walls just to list a few.
Once the source of the cracks has been determined, the next step is to repair it. Structural repairs precede minor or cosmetic repairs. Repointing mortar joints is often required, however, this action requires care and is best done with professionals familiar with various masonry techniques. Care must be taken to match properties up (color, hardness, permeability) of the existing mortar. The application must also be carefully controlled; width of joints and tooling should match the existing appearance as best as possible this also includes the cleanup process as well to ensure that mortar does not extend past the joints and onto the surface of the bricks.
Magic Stone always provides your free estimate with the many different options available if more than one option exists. We always recommend meeting your estimator during the time of your estimate appointment this way you can go over any questions, concerns or ideas.
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